Worcester Bells | Worcester – the ringing city

Safeguarding Information

The WCGoB takes safeguarding seriously to ensure a secure and welcoming environment for all, including children and vulnerable adults. We adhere to the Diocesan Safeguarding policy: https://www.cofe-worcester.org.uk/diocesan-compendium/safeguarding/  and are follow the Central Council of Church Bellringers Safeguarding Guidance: https://cccbr.org.uk/2019/10/24/safeguarding-guidance-june-2019-update/.

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Arrangements for New and Visiting Ringers

We welcome prospective visiting ringers and new recruits. Visiting bellringers will be welcomed to ring for services, practice nights, outings, quarter peals or peals with the Worcester Cathedral Guild of Bellringers.

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The safe resumption of bellringing – see the guidance from the Central Council of Church Bellringers